Catch Half-Life FPS Cheaters RedhandedIdentify, catch, and call out people who cheatin certain online FPS games.The developers of FPS titles such as Half-Life are making it easierand easier for users to create modifications. This increases thelongevity and enjoyment of the games, but it also puts power in thehands of the clients. Giving up some control means that users cansurprise you, but it also makes it much easier for people to createcheats. Cheaters are almost inevitable and commonly difficult toidentify.How can you recognize a cheater in, say, Counter-Strike, and what canyou do about it?
. give itemhealthkit Gives you a health kit. give itemhealthvial Gives you a health vial. give itemsuit Gives you the Hazardous enviroment suit. give itembattery Gives you a battery.
give itemhealthcharger. give itemsuitcharger. give itemboxsrounds 9mm Ammo.
give itemboxmrounds SMG Ammo. give itemboxlrounds Pulse Gun Ammo. give itemboxbuckshot Shotgun Ammo. give itemar2grenade SMG Grenades (secondary shot). give itemammocrossbow Crossbow Ammo.
give itemammopistol Gives you pistol ammo. give itemammo357 Gives you 357. Magnum ammo. give itemammosmg1 Gives you SMG ammo. give itemammosmg1grenade Gives you grenade launcher ammo for the SMG. give itemammoar2 Gives you Overwatch Pulse Rifle ammo. give itemammoar2altfire Spawns energy grenade for the Overwatch Pulse Rifle.
give itemrpground OR give itemmlgrenade Spawns grenades for the RPG. entcreate itemboxflarerounds Spawns flare rounds at where you aim. entcreate itemboxsniperrounds Spawns sniper rounds at where you aim. givecurrentammo Gives you ammo for the current weaponIf you want to remove an item, simply do this command. Type npccreate npc name to spawn an NPC.
Here is a list of the names you can enter for name:alyx (Alyx Vance)barney (Barney Calhoun)dog (Dog)kleiner (Dr. Npccreateequipment weaponshotgun (NPC spawns equipped with a shotgun.)npccreateequipment weaponsmg1 (NPC spawns equipped with a SMG.)npccreateequipment weaponar2 (NPC spawns equipped with a pulse rifle.)npccreateequipment weaponcrowbar (NPC spawns equipped with a crowbar.)npccreateequipment weaponRPG (NPC spawns equipped with a RPG rocket launcher.)violencehblood 0 (Turns off human blood.)violencehgibs 0 (Turns off human gibs.)violenceablood 0 (Turns off alien blood.)violenceagibs 0 (Turns off alien gibs.). Write 'map' followed by the name of the specific map you want to load:. intro Starts you at the games Intro.Point Insertion. d1trainstation01 Spawns you in train station.
d1trainstation02 Spawns you in train station after the first load point. d1trainstation03 Spawns in the train station after the second load point.' This commands makes you able to change speed of how fast the game should be.hosttimescale 3.0 (Triple the faster speed)hosttimescale 2.0 (Double the faster speed)hosttimescale 1.0 (Normal speed)hosttimescale 0.5 (Double the slower speed)hosttimescale 0.25 (4x the slower speed)hosttimescale 0.1 (Slow-mo speed)You can make the game faster to add higher number, but also slower if you add lower numbers!OBSERVE:Taking the numbers too high can freeze the game in an instant, so avoid adding high numbers.Note:The faster the game goes, the fewer fps you get ingame.